
General information:
  • MAN
  • 2019
  • 177 H.P.
  • 108871 km
  • CG18927
  • 11,166 GBP 12,870 EUR
Additional description
Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auktion er oprettet af Rasmus La Cour, på vegne af sælger.
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This auction was created by Rasmus La Cour, on behalf of the seller.
There is NO loading ramp at the location.
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General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
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All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Registration Documents: Yes
CE-marked: Yes
Kilometers Date: 28 Nov 2024
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
Transport dimension (L/W/H): 8/2.25/2.45
MOT: yes: 2024-03-25
Seller / Auction broker: Rasmus La Cour
Location: CF - 9230 Svenstrup, Denmark
load capacity: 2300
Velholdt og vel udstyret MAN TGE Autotransporter med en totalvægt på 5000kg
Anhængertræk til 3500/750 kg
Kabine med kunst læder sæder
Bilen er opbygget med 5,2x2,2 m. Aluminiums knæklad fra brdr. Plagborg
Ladet har indbygget lomme til de medfølgende Aluminiums slidsker
Luftaffjedring med højde indstilling samt kørestilling
Tvilling monteret bagaksel
Værktøjskasser under lad
Flytbar fitzel stop-bom til placering af køretøjer på ladet
Elektrisk spil (3800 kg.)
Adaptiv fartpilot inkl. Fartbegrænser
Førersæde luftaffjedret
MAN Media Van Advanced
MAN Media Van Navigation
MAN Smartlink
Multifunktionsdisplay ”Plus
Motor/kabine vandvarmer
Tidligere undervognsbehandlet hos Suvo
Bilen startede og kørte fejlfrit ved registrering
Registreringsattest medfølger
Bilen står afmeldt uden nummerplader
Der er ikke læsserampe på lokationen
Well-maintained and well-equipped MAN TGE Auto Transporter with a gross vehicle weight of 5000kg
Trailer hitch for 3500/750 kg
180 hp
Automatic transmission
Cabin with artificial leather seats
The vehicle is built with a 5.2x2.2 m aluminum articulated platform from Brdr. Plagborg
The platform has a built-in pocket for the included aluminum ramps
Air suspension with height adjustment and driving position
Twin-mounted rear axle
Tool boxes under the platform
Movable Fitzel stop bar for positioning vehicles on the platform
Electric winch (3800 kg)
Adaptive cruise control including sp
  • Myrens Verksted 1A
  • 0473 Oslo
  • Norway
  • Phone: +47 23 89 75 40
  • Seller''s website:
  • Seller''s other ads: 411