
बुनियादी डाटा:
  • Volvo
  • 2004
  • VF60937
  • 609 EUR
Important sales information
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Dette salget er håndtert av Sierha AS.
Kontakt Øivind for mer informasjon eller visning av produktet
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This sale is handled by Sierha AS.
Contact Øivind for more information or inspection.
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Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
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CE Label: No
Status: Not valid
Inspected at: 2019-10-16
Overall condition: Object (s) may have more extensive flaws. Inspection/repair is recommended
Usage: 311690 km
Effect: 279 kW
Volume: 12100 cc
Seller / Auction broker: Øivind Myhre
Location: Trøgstad, Norway
2004 modell volvo fm12. Krokbil. Ajk 20t krok. Parabel foran og luft bak.. manuell girkasse og papirskriver.. Bilen har stått i mange år og påkost må påberegnes... feil med luftfjæring . Går opp men ikke ned.. ikke sjekket rundt dette.. og krok mangler styrestrøm til styrebok virker der som... .krok er ikke testet... abs lampe lyser.. går fint i motor og driverk... se bilder anbefaler at den hentes på henger pga slitte dekk og lang ståtid samt feil med luftfjæringen. NB avbildet H.feste medfølger ikke
2004 model Volvo fm12. Tow truck. Ajk 20t hook. Parabola front and air back. Manual gear and paper writer. The car has been standing for many years and maintenance must be expected... problem with air suspension. It goes up but not down. Have not checked around this.. and the hook is missing power steering to the control box seems like... The hook has not been tested... ABS light is on.. runs fine in engine and driver's ... see pictures recommend that it be picked up on a trailer due to worn tires and long standing time as well as problems with the air suspension. NB Pictured hitch does not come with

typ: ciężarówka hakowiec
własna masa: 15 255 kg
lokalizacja: Norwegia Trøgstad
aukcja: 1
czas trwania: 2025-03-21 21:00
data zakończenia: 2025-03-27 21:00
data zamieszczenia: 18 mar 2025
  • Retrade AS
  • Myrens Verksted 1A
  • 0473 Oslo
  • नॉर्वे
  • Phone: +47 23 89 75 40
  • बिक्रेते का वेबसाइट: http://www.retrade.eu
  • इस बिक्रेते का अन्य विज्ञापन: 634