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Type: Mobil wirekran
Body: Demag MC300RQ
CE-marked: Yes
Hours Date: 04 Jan 2024
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Engine: KHD 10L 413F 196 kW
Seller / Auction broker: Jan Røpke
Location: jr - 3700 Rønne., Denmark
Mobil wirekran model DEMAG MC300RQ
Mobilkranen er fuld funktionsdygtig og i fortsat drift
så derfor vil timetælleren ikke være helt på samme stand som opgivet
Mast 24 meter
Totalvægt 52 ton
Sælger har selv indkøbt mobilkranen som ny
og mobilkranen er efterfølgende løbende blevet vedligeholdt og serviceret jvr. lovgivningen
seneste eftersyn er udført 9. måned 2022
Wirene til masten er udskiftet for kort tid siden
Der medfølger to grabber
Der medfølger udstyr så kranen kan omstilles til løft via 4 wire
Der medfølger ligeledes en mindre krog til lettere løft
Mobil kranen er godkendt til et løft på 10 ton under tr5ansport
Mobilkranen er på Bornholm
og kan besigtiges efter nærmere aftale
Mobilkranen kan efter nærmere aftale leveres på havnen i Køge
Se billederne for yderligere detaljer
Mobile wire rope crane model DEMAG MC300RQ
The mobile crane is fully functional and in continuous operation
so the hour counter will not be in the same condition as stated
Mast 24 metres
The seller has purchased the mobile crane as new
and the mobile crane has subsequently been continuously maintained and serviced in accordance with legislation
the latest inspection was performed on 9th month 2022
The wires to the mast were replaced a short time ago
Two grabs are included
Equipment is included so that the crane can be switched to lifting via 4 wire ropes
A smaller hook is also included for easier lifting
The mobile crane is approved for a lift of 10 tonnes during transport
The mobile crane is on Bornholm and can be inspected by appo