
Basic data:
  • TA44386
  • 9 EUR
Important sales information
Seller information
Fredric Cederberg hanterar denna auktion på uppdrag av säljaren.
För mer information eller för att boka tid för visning vänligen kontakta
Fredric Cederberg 0768-932818 eller pokaż kontakty
Vill du ha hjälp med finansiering på detta objekt?
Kontakta Tobias på tel 033-103031 alt: pokaż kontakty för en anpassad offert efter era önskemål.
Retrade kan även ombesörja transport genom vår samarbetspartner Janssons entreprenad AB
Kontakta Alexandra på mail: pokaż kontakty för prisförslag.
This auction is handled by Fredric Cederberg on behalf of the seller.
For more information or to book a viewing time, please contact
Fredric Cederberg 0046-768 932818 or pokaż kontakty
We also offer transport services through our partner Janssons entreprenad AB
Contact Alexandra at pokaż kontakty
to get a price estimate.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Seller / Auction broker: Fredric Cederberg
Location: Uddevalla, Sweden
MAX & Montana spikpistoler + slangar
Pall 2
*5st MAX Spikpistol Modell: CN565S2 Serienummer: 16623214U
*1st Montana Spikpistol Modell: PN70 Serienummer: 15341020 Ser oanvänd ut
*1st Max Spikpistol med klippt huvud Modell: SN883CH/34. Serienummer: 07A02083U
*1st Max Spikpistol Modell: SN883RH Serienummer: 07B01065U
*1st Max Spikpistol (osäker)Modell: CN450G Serienummer: 07A09038A
*1st Max Spikpistol (osäker) Modell: CN80 Serienummer: 14604132U
*1st Max Spikpistol (osäker) Modell: CN890F Serienummer: 16308118U
*1st Max Spikpistol (osäker) Modell: CN565S Serienummer: 103240448A
*1st Montana Tundra Hose 9,7mm x 15,5mm 20bar ca 20m med vinda
*1st Montana Tundra Hose 6,4mm x 11,4mm 20bar ca 10m Röd
*1st slang inte uppmärkt längd okänd
Skick / Anmärkningar
Varierande skick(se bilder)
ej testade. Några endast demokörda
men fungerande när de sist användes
Mått och vikt
H 520mm B 800mm L 1200mm
efter tidsbokning i överenskommelse med säljaren
Kan ombesörjas av säljaren mot kostnad
MAX & Montana Nail Guns + Hoses
Pallet 2
*5x MAX Nail Guns Model: CN565S2
Serial numbers: 16623214U
*1x Montana Nail Gun Model: PN70
Serial number: 15341020 (Appears unused)
*1x MAX Clipped Head Nail Gun
Model: SN883CH/34
Serial number: 07A02083U
*1x MAX Nail Gun Model: SN883RH
Serial number: 07B01065U
*1x MAX Nail Gun (Uncertain Model)
Model: CN450G
Serial number: 07A09038A
*1x MAX Nail Gun (Uncertain Model)
Model: CN80
Serial number: 14604132U
*1x MAX Nail Gun (Uncertain Model)
Model: CN890F
Serial number: 16308118U
*1x MAX Nail Gun (Uncertain Model)
Model: CN565S
Serial number: 103240448A
*1x Montana Tundra Hose on reel
9.7mm x 15.5mm
20 bar
approx. 20m
*1x Montana Tundra Hose
6.4mm x 11.4mm
20 bar
approx. 10m (Red)
*1x Unmarked Hose
unknown length
Condition / Notes
Mixed condition (see photos)
Some have only been demo used
some are used but were working when last in use
Dimensions & Weight
H 520mm x W 800mm x L 1200mm
Loading Assistance
available upon prior appointment in agreement with the seller
Can be arranged by the seller at an additional cost

Typ: pistolet do gwoździ

Lokalizacja: Szwecja
  • Retrade AS
  • Myrens Verksted 1A
  • 0473 Oslo
  • Noorwegen
  • Phone: +47 23 89 75 40
  • Website van de verkoper : http://www.retrade.eu
  • Andere advertenties van deze verkoper: 470